Meet My Crew

Marketing… not the easiest thing in the world. Now that I am on a different path it is something that that become part of my everyday existence. Not cool bro, not cool. I just want to help people, I dont want to post my picture on billboards or bus stop benches, but this is my life now.

Anywho, in a morning conversation with the hubs a lot of things became clear. Marketing isn’t just about park benches or public bus sides, and it doesn’t mean that you have to talk about yourself all of the time. Its about connecting with others and enjoying yourself, then the business just organically happens. People don’t JUST buy services, they buy experiences and friendships.

After a day of noodling this concept (and several cups of coffee later) a plan was in place. I was going to do this new thing. Talking to my small business owner friends and those go-getters that I have loved and respected for years over coffee and in front of a screen for everyone else to see.

I have no idea where this is going to go, or how long it will take to get through all of my friends, but I am going to do it.

Here is the short video I called Coffee Chat (the preview). Give it a watch, maybe subscribe, and lets see where this thing goes???

After all, I can’t continue #becomingabetterme if I don’t step outside of my comfort zone and try something different, right?

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