28 days and 4%

CBCD8828-E4E2-4271-AE19-20B32A46787AI have been on this journey now for over 3 years, and since the beginning, I have only been progressing. Never really put any time frames on it, just worked on me and at a pace I felt comfortable with. Well, I have taken it to the next level.

I know I have done several races and that they are technically “challenges against others” but they were more about the personal experience and how well I did each of the challenges and how after more and more 5Ks, my times got better with every race, and even more than that I could do it. I had the strength and endurance to finish without dying. OK, OK… so dying was not something that I thought was really going to happen…. but the first couple I struggled my way to the finish line. The more I did, the easier they got of course. Point is, I have never really done challenges against others.

As of Tuesday, that changed. The perk of working for a company that cares about the mental, financial, and PHYSCAL health of its employees is the fun cool ways to make the atmosphere better.  So, here is where the 28/4 comes in…

We started a challenge that is more fair than BIGGEST LOSER and less scary than P90X. At the start of the 28 days we weighed in (there was one person who saw the weight, so it never had to be posted or said out loud, then the goal is to lose 4% of your total weight. Although it is still about MY progress, the rest of the story is there is money involved… so I had to put $20 (with the bossman matching that money) as a sign that I believe I will not only meet my goal, but will be the only one to do it.

The truth is, I would love to see everyone succeed, but as always, I am scared that I wont. I know I should not be that way and have exceeded several of my own expectations, but again… those were all on my own, this time there are others involved.

So, 5 days in and I am down 3.(something) lbs.. hoping to post something new in roughly 25 days just to say I succeeded. Either way, if I am looking for silver lining, then it would be to say that I am trying something else new….
