Hello 2022, We Got This

Last year I had a long list of things I wanted to accomplish… I did not meet my goal. I am not mad at myself, exactly, but rather realized that maybe I set my bar a little too high?

Last year’s goals were: 12 books, 4-5ks, 12 new recipes, hike 6 new places, blog 12 times, visit 4 new places, and get back to exercise.

What I completed: 6 books read, 6 recipes made, 3 hiking spots, 7 blogs, 3 new places, and have been hit and miss on the exercising.

When I looked at my list about a week ago, I kinda got down on myself. Initial reactions are usually negative when you see that you “failed”… so after seeing my failure I opted to kill time and I started looking at Facebook. From there I went through the over 2000 pictures on my phone, and thats when it hit me, I didnt really ignore my goal, but decided (subconsciously, I would say) that other things were more important.

For the first part of 2021 I had the privilege of watching my granddaughter roughly 3 days a week. The joy that little girl brings is infinitely more important than a nonfiction book. Watching her learn about the world and teaching her simple things like going down a slide, or how to use a fork (semi correctly), or even singing with her make those incomplete 5ks worth it. **I do feel its important to say, with her, I did get my steps in!

Then in June, the next miracle happened, my grandson came into the world. The way he snuggled into my arms and slept for hours and smiled made those missed blogs, trivial.

Then once he was a few months old and my daughter took on a part time job twice a week I would get to keep both the littles for about 3 hours a day. Heaven.

Then there was the career… I never in a million years thought I would be able to have a home and work life balance where I was still making money. Having 12 closings in my “first” year, I call that a huge win! I have never been more happy doing this than I ever did at a 9-5 job – and I get to wear blue jeans without the boss scowling at me!

So, long story short, for 2022 I have no agenda, I have no checklist, I have no self imposed requirements but I do have is hope. Hope that I get to continue to spend time with my family, continue to watch the littles grow up in my family room, continue to build my business, continue to spend time with my friends, maybe make new ones, and just enjoy the year. When Jan of 2023 rolls around I will be happy to look back and see what I have accomplished without the initial guilty feelings, all that I hoped to get done. As I continue on the journey of #becomingabetterme I want to focus on the positive in all things. So maybe I kinda do have a goal – but I think these are the ones I will succeed at with no problem at all.