Sunday the Day for Rebuilding

12698712_10208229160867300_8221593556026940986_oSunday morning is my favorite time of the week. Not because of sleeping in, or football, or being able to stay in my jammies or even because of the coffee (well those last two might be a little bit of a lie), but because of the pace. Sunday mornings have always been about slowing down and rebuilding.

Just like when you go to the gym and blow out your legs or your arms, you aren’t going to go back the next day and do the same thing all over again! Any trainer, doctor, or beefy dude at the gym will tell you, that you have to let the muscles build back up after you have torn them down.

That is what Sunday morning is to me. I tear myself down all week. Spending 8:30am to 6pm solving problems, running from meeting to meeting, trying to get residents to understand how to handle daily life, and then paperwork, emails, phone calls… the list goes on and on. To an already hectic day, I have to add kids sport, grocery shopping, dinner, and THEN I get to go to gym and bury what is left of my energy in a shallow grave called the treadmill. That is not even counting the nights where I meet up with Mr Trainer. Even though I get to release the frustration and stress, in a healthy manner, I still walk out spent. Yes… I am smiling and I do feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulder (figuratively and literally), it still tears me down.11709632_10206714426039876_4490201622580919253_n

With a quiet house and the dishes from our smoked sausage and eggs in the dishwasher, I am sitting here in my comfy Ikea chair just listening to the birds outside the window. Even the cars rolling by or the neighbors dog barking isn’t bothering me, because they too, are part of the rebuild.

This might sound like what most people would call a LAZY SUNDAY, but there really is no such thing. There are far too many things going on Monday thru Saturday to really even call this LAZY. This is a REBUILD Sunday. Getting my body and mind ready to face the week ahead and whatever else might come at me.

6 thoughts on “Sunday the Day for Rebuilding

  1. Love this post, so true, that we have to take time to not only physically recharge, but mentally recharge. It’s crucial. Hope you have an amazing relaxing day!

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