TO DO LIST – 2021, You Better Step Up

It is no secret that 2020 was, excuse my language, a SHIT SHOW, but I have decided to put the negativity behind me and move into the New Year with a plan and new sense of purpose. I am not going to say “new year, new me”, because that would be a lie – and honestly, I like this me, but I do want to be better. So I will say “NEW YEAR, BETTER ME”I have spent a lot of the last few weeks trying to come of up with a list of TO DOs that can be achieved regardless of the state of the world, so here goes:

Read 12 books (1 per month): I miss book club, so I will do this on my own then give a small book report as a check in.

Do 4 – 5ks, even if they are virtual: Color me crazy, but I loved the medals, it felt like I accomplished something and it kept me going.

Try 12 new recipes (1 per month): I have become a foodie over the last year and I want to continue broadening my horizons.

Walk/Hike in 6 new parks (new to me): I have a comfort zone when it comes to hikes because I know what to expect, I like reminding myself that nothing cool happens in the ones comfort zone.

and lastly

Blog at least 12 times (1 per month): When I started this blog it was kind of my weight loss journey/journal, however it was meant to be more about the my journey and when I stopped exercising, I stopped posting. That is not all that this is supposed to be about. #becomingabetterme was meant to be a well-rounded story of who I am and what I want and do with myself so I can look at me in the mirror and know that each day I am giving it my all.

Sure there are a ton of things on my bucket list, like travel and shows and adventure, but I am going back to the basics. 2020 is in the rearview, and it can stay there. I am looking forward to what this year can bring and all of the successes during the journey of #becomingabetterme I can share with you.

The Not Even a Little Scary Update

img_8771I promised I would keep you up to date since my discharge from the hospital two weeks ago, but there really isn’t a lot to say – which is great news!

When I got home I immediate started my health and food journal where I log what I eat, when I take my iron pills/vitamins, how I sleep, and how I feel – it has been eye opening. In a good way.


I have been drinking protein shakes daily. I am still trying to find the ones I like (and I have found some that suck) and that are higher in iron. This has been great since they are super filling, and I am not getting toimg_8768 eat lunch until later in the afternoon. I have also added protein packed afternoon snacks. I have been a label reader for a few years, but never really went so far as to look at the iron content. As a side note, I did not realize how little iron is in most foods. I assume that is why I am on such a high dose of iron daily. After talking to friends who are nurses – I have added daily vitamin C to help with the morning pill and then applesauce (or baby food fruits) with my afternoon/evening pills. Before all of this, I was also taking vitamin B, D, and then Echinacea to keep from getting sick, which is still part of the daily routine.



It is almost shocking how good I feel! I think I have more energy than I have – EVER. Not just since before I got “sick” but like, EVER. Although I cannot go back to the gym until I have a follow up doctors appointment, I have been able to go for a walk in the neighborhood and even do some shopping without losing any energy which I had not done in a LONG time. I guess I have also been be-boppin’ through the house, because periodically Hammy will laugh and when I ask him what he is laughing about, he tells me that it was the little dance I was doing… didn’t even know I was dancing! Other than that,  I think the biggest thing I have noticed in this area is the color in my lips. I know that sounds silly, but in the hospital they were a deathly shade of gray – but not now! 🙂



I cannot believe how amazing you can feel when you get good sleep! Literally for 12 days in a row, I went to sleep and didn’t wake up until my alarm went off!! So crazy!! I am sure part of that is the less stressful job, and the fact that I am doing better in the above two categories that makes this possible – but it is still part of the progress.img_8767

I realize I still have a long way to go, but two weeks in and I doing everything my doctors and nurses have told me to do. I will continue to get weekly phone calls from my nurses and social workers to check in and make sure I am not going backwards. **Community South has an amazing support system – just a side note** I will still have to go in and do check ups on my hemo levels, but I can say I feel nowhere close to where I was, and I know I will never go back there!


There have been a lot twists and turns on this journey, but none as scary as this, so as I continue #becomingabetterme sometimes I have to remember that adjusting how you live is must, and I would have to say, I am doing a pretty good job of adjusting this time!